Publications by topic - ageing

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Books and special issues
Submitted for publication / manuscripts / work in progress
Audiovisual productions

Books and special issues

2008 (with E. Alber & S.R. Whyte, eds)  Generations in Africa: Connections and conflicts. Münster: Lit-Verlag. [contents]
2005 (with P. Atuobi & A. O. Boamah) Life, love and death: Conversations with six  elders in Kwahu-Tafo, Ghana. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [pdf]
1997 (with Els van Dongen, eds) Ouderen, welzijn en zorg. Special issue Medische Antropologie 9 (1).[link]


2022 Can an old body be beautiful? CUL Magazine 29 (3): 21. [pdf]
2018 Bookreview of: Growing old in Cameroon: Gender, vulnerability, and social capital (Charles Fonchingong) Medicine Anthropology Theory 5 (5): 118-121. [pdf]
2018 “Das ewige Gestern.” Conversing with Ekkekard Schröder. In: Katarina Greifeld et al. (eds) Grenzgänge zwischen Ethnologie, Medizin und Psychologie: Für Ekkehard Schröder zum 75. Geburtstag Special issue Curare 41 (3+4): 179-182. [pdf]
2017 (with Silvana Rugolotto & Alice Larotonda) How migrants keep Italian families Italian: Badanti and the private care of older people. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 13 (2):185-197, [pdf]
2016 Studying older people in Ghana: Closing reflections. Ghana Studies 19: 190-201. [pdf]
2016 Will families in Ghana continue to care for older people? Logic and contradiction in policy.In: J.Hoffman & K. Pype (eds) Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spaces and Practices of Care. London: Policy Press, pp. 21-41.[pdf]
2015 Worden ouderen in andere culturen ook mishandeld? Podium voor Bio-ethiek 22 (4): 19-21. [pdf]
2015 Oud worden, sterven en begrafenis vieren: Over pre- en post-mortem zorg in een Ghanees dorp. ICA april 2015: 12-14. [pdf]
2014 De schoonheid van het verschil. In: Fuusje de Graaff & Anke van Keulen (red) Ruimte voor oud. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SWP, pp. 49-54. [text]
2013 Zorg voor ouderen in verschillende culturen. #KijkSW 6: 7. [pdf]
2012 Graceful and successful ageing: Observations from Ghana and the Netherlands. In:Brigitte Röder, Willemijn de Jong & Kurt W. Alt (eds) Alter(n) anders denken: Kulturelle und biologische Perspektiven. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau Verlag GMBH & Cie, pp. 227-238. [pdf]
2012 Ewig Gestern. In: C. Bouw et al. (red) De hinderende werking van het verleden. Vriendenboekje voor Rineke van Daalen. Amsterdam: Sectie Sociologie en Antropologie, pp. 73-74. [text]
2011 Loneliness and distress in old age: A note from Ghana. In: M. Tankink & M. Vysma (eds) Roads and boundaries: Travels in search of (re)connection. Diemen: AMB Publishers, pp. 67-74. [pdf]
2010 with M. von Faber) Losing and gaining: About growing old ‘successfully’ in The Netherlands. In: Janice E. Graham & Peter H. Stephenson (eds) Contesting aging and loss. North York: University of Toronto Press, pp. 27-45. [pdf]
2010 with M. von Faber & E. Sadler) Shifting meanings of ‘successful ageing’: Anthropological reflections. In: J. Bouwer (ed) Successful ageing, spirituality and meaning: Multidisciplinary perspectives. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 137-150.[pdf]

(with S.R. Whyte & E. Alber) Generational connections and conflicts in Africa: An introduction. In: E. Alber et al. (eds) Generations in Africa: Connections and conflicts. Münster: Lit-Verlag, pp.1-23. [pdf]

2008 Resilience and the whims of reciprocity in old age: An example from Ghana. Medische Antropologie 20 (2): 297-311. [pdf]
2008 Wisdom: An intergenerational gift? Notes from Kwahu-Tafo, Ghana. In: E. Alber et al. (eds) Generations in Africa: Connections and conflicts. Münster: Lit-Verlag, pp. 111-133. [pdf]
2007 Complaining and not complaining: Social strategies of older people in Kwahu, Ghana. Global Ageing: Issues & Action 4 (3): 55-65. [pdf]

“It is a tiresome work.” Love and sex in the life of an elderly Kwahu woman. In C. Oppong , Y.P.A Oppong & I.K. Odotey (eds) Sex and gender in an era of AIDS: Ghana at the turn of the Millennium. Accra: Sub Saharan Publishers, pp. 211-232. [pdf]


De verlangens van een oude man. In: A. Oderwald et al. (red) Schrijven tegen de tijd: Over de kunst van het ouder worden. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 109-118. [pdf]

2007 Wijsheid komt niet met de jaren. NRC-Handelsblad 10 mei 2007, p. 8. [text]

(with E. A. Sadler, A.W. Braam, M.I. Broese van Groenou, & D.J.H. Deeg)  Cosmic transcendence, loneliness, and exchange of emotional support with adult children: A study among older parents in The Netherlands. European Journal of Ageing 3 (3): 146-154. [pdf]

2006 Participerend onderzoek naar zorg voor dementerende ouderen. KWALON Nr. 32, jrg 11 (2): 44-47. [pdf]
2006 Between death and funeral: Mortuaries and the exploitation of liminality in Kwahu, Ghana. Africa 76 (4): 485-501. [pdf]

Participerend onderzoek naar zorg voor dementerende ouderen. KWALON Nr. 32, jrg 11 (2): 44-47. [pfd]

2006 (with J. Gussekloo et al.) Succesvol oud in maat en getal en volgens de ouderen zelf. Bijblijven 22: 384-389. [pdf]
2004 Dying peacefully: Considering good death and bad death in Kwahu-Tafo, Ghana. Social Science & Medicine 58 (5): 899-911. [pdf]
2004 Grandparents and grandchildren in Kwahu, Ghana: The performance of respect. Africa 74 (1): 47-61. [pdf]
2004 Wilsbekwaamheid: Sociale en culturele kanttekeningen. In: F. Boersma & A. Vellinga (red) Oud en dement: Wilsonbekwaam? Amsterdam: Lundbeck B.V., pp. 29-36. [pdf]
2004 Oud. In: Rosanne Rutten & Loes Schenk-Sanbergen (red) Andere verhalen over Azië en onderzoek. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 211-214. [pdf]
2004 "They don't come to listen": The experience of loneliness among older people in Kwahu, Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 19 (2): 77-96. [pdf]
2004 (with A. Mul & H. Vermeulen) Linkages between migration and the care for frail older people: Observations from Greece, Ghana and The Netherlands. Ageing & Society 24: 431-50. [pdf]
2004 (with A. Bootsma-van der Wiel et al.) Wat is succesvol oud op hoge leeftijd? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 148 (20): 985-990. [pdf]
2003 Confidentiality and pseudonyms: A fieldwork dilemma from Ghana. Anthropology Today 19 (1): 14-18. [pdf]
2003 Poverty and the “charm” of old age in Ghana: A note on irony. In: AGIDS, Faces of poverty: Capabilities, mobilization and institutional transformation. Proceedings of the International CERES Summerschool 2003. Amsterdam: AGIDS, pp. 27-44. [text]
2003 (with Anne-Marie Niekamp) Ageism and euthanasia in The Netherlands: Questions and conjectures. Mortality 8 (3): 296-304. [pdf]
2002 Respect and reciprocity: Care of elderly people in rural Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 17 (1): 3-31. [pdf]
2002 The toilet: Dignity, privacy and care of elderly people in Kwahu, Ghana. In: S. Makoni, & K. Stroeken (eds) Multiple perspectives on aging in African gerontology. London: Ashgate, pp. 227-44. [pdf]
2002 (with Els van Dongen) Succesvol oud: Schuivende betekenissen. In: J. Gussekloo et al. (eds) Succesvol oud. De Leidse 85-plus studie. Rotterdam: Optima, pp. 13-24. [pdf]
2002 (with others) Succesvol oud op hoge leeftijd. In: J. Gussekloo et al. (eds) Succesvol oud. De Leidse 85-plus studie. Rotterdam: Optima, pp.55-70. [pdf]
2002 (with M. von Faber) Een slordig einde? Reciprociteit en ‘succesvol oud’ nader beschouwd (A sloppy end? Reconsidering reciprocity and ‘successful ageing’). Sociologische Gids 49 (4): 409-420. [pdf] [English_abstract]
2002 From wisdom to witchcraft: Ambiguity of old age in rural Ghana. Africa 72 (3): 437-463. [pdf]
2002 “Oud in Ghana” [“Old in Ghana”]. Brochure for an exhibition. Groningen: Ethnological Museum Gerardus van der Leeuw.
2002 “I want to go!” How elderly people in Ghana look forward to death. Ageing & Society 22 (1): 7-28. [pdf]
2001 Bookreview of: The politics of age and gerontocracy in Africa: Ethnographies of the past and memories of the present (M.I. Aguilar, ed.) Africa 71 (3): 508-9. [text]
2001 ‘No strength’: Sex and old age in a rural town in Ghana. Social Science & Medicine 53 (10): 1383-96. [pdf]
2001 Gracefully old. In: F. Lindo en M. van Niekerk (eds) Dedication & detachment. Essays in honour of Hans Vermeulen. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 1-14. [pdf]
2001 (with M. von Faber et al.) Successful aging in the oldest old: Who can be characterized as successfully aged? Archives of Internal Medicine 161, dec 10/24: 2694-2700. [pdf]
2001 (with A.M. Niekamp) Euthanasie en jarisme: Worden ouderen die willen sterven gediscrimineerd? Huisarts & Wetenschap 44 (4): 45-49. [pdf]
2001 Mensvijandige cultuur [Culture against man]. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 28 (1): 41-43. [pdf]
2000 Funerals for the living: Conversations with elderly people in Ghana. African Studies Review. 43 (3): 103-29. [pdf]
2000 Goed en slecht geld: Gesprekken in een Ghanees dorp. Etnofoor 13 (2): 78-88. [pdf]

Zorg om ouderen in Ghana. In: N. van Tellegen (red) Afrika-expertbijeenkomst: Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Congo, Rwanda.Den Haag: Directie Afrika, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, pp. 19-26. [text]

1999 Het toilet van de oudere: Over respect, intimiteit en vuil in Ghana. Medische Antropologie 11 (1): 98-110. [pdf]
1999 Tand om tand? Oud in Ghana. ICA 1999/1: 4-5. [pdf]
1998 Òpanyin: The ideal of elder in the Akan culture of Ghana. Canadian Journal of African Studies 33 (3). [pdf]
1998 (with Erick Vloeberghs) Amsterdam Oud West, Oud Oost: Verhalen tussen ouderen over culturele grenzen heen. In: I. van Eerd & B. Hermes (red) Pluriform Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUP, pp. 69-80. [pdf]
1998 Oude bomen [Old trees]. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 25 (1): 58-59. [pdf]
1998 Reciprociteit en zorg voor ouderen: Een antropologische vergelijking tussen Ghana en Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 29 (5): 237-43. [pdf]
1998 Resettlement / unsettlement in Ghana: Snippets from an anthropological notebook. Ghana Study Council Newsletter Nr 11: 5-7. [text]
1998 Yebisa wo fie: Growing old and building a house in the Akan culture of Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 13 (4): 333-59. [pdf]
1997 Between respect and reciprocity: Managing old age in rural Ghana. Southern African Journal of Gerontology 6 (2): 20-25. [pdf]
1997 Tellen op leeftijd: Schets van een antropologie van ouderen. Leeftijd 35 (5): 27-30. [pdf]
1997 Oud in een Ghanees dorp: Beeld en ervaring. Medische Antropologie 9 (1): 74-89. [pdf]
1997 'Oud in Ghana.' Twaalf columns in LeefTijd: Tijdschrift over ouder worden, jaargang 35. [text]
1997 Money and respect: The changing value of old age in rural Ghana. Africa 67 (4): 534-59. [pdf]
1997 (with Els van Dongen) Ten Geleide: Ouderen, welzijn en zorg. Medische Antropologie 9 (1): 1-6. [pdf]

Elderly people in Ghana: Ongoing anthropological research. Ghana Studies Council Newsletter 10: 5-6. [pdf]

1996 The elder and his elbow: Twelve interpretations of an Akan proverb. Research in African Literatures 27 (3): 110-18. [pdf]
1996 Ouderen en welzijn: Antropologische vragen en opmerkingen. Medische Antropologie 8(1):185-96. [pdf]
1995 Old people and funerals in a rural Ghanaian community: Ambiguities in family care. Southern African Journal of Gerontology 4 (2): 33-40. [pdf]

Submitted for publication / manuscripts / work in progress

n.d. Respect, reciprocity, respect. Growing old in Kwahu, Ghana. (book in preparation).

Audiovisual productions

2002 “Oud in Ghana” [“Old in Ghana”]. Exhibition in the Ethnological Museum Gerardus van der Leeuw, Groningen, The Netherlands (18 October – 5 November 2002).
2000 (with Fieneke Diamant) “Ouderen in Ghana” [“Older people in Ghana”]. Radio documentary. VPRO Radio (one hour). [download]
n.d. “Adwoa Mansa” . A film portrait of an older woman in Kwahu Tafo (in preparation).
n.d. “Agya Ko” A film portrait of an elderly shopkeeper in Kwahu Tafo (in preparation).

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